Lego leaguing...

Saturday, November 21, 2009

My daughter's big day starting in Jr. Lego League. Team Horses is getting their chance to show off their work. They've been learning about transportation with cats and dogs and then building something around that with Legos.

I've started do a bit more reading about the Lego Leagues. We have a man in my church who is leader up here in New England. It's' a very impressive group.

The mission of FIRST is to:  " inspire young people to be science and technology leaders, by engaging them in exciting mentor-based programs that build science, engineering and technology skills, that inspire innovation, and that foster well-rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, communication, and leadership."

In a time when it seems that science and math education have been slipping, it's great to see programs like this coming about to inspire, teach, and encourage our children. The kids in my church have a Lego League team, and they actually did a research project that did a great job of helping our congregation get clarity on where and how we can improve communications, but with technology and process. It gave all of us great food for thought. And I can't help but admit that I was really proud of the work they did.

Then, with all of that, there's still the playing with Legos, and building robots. How cool is that?!

Oh, and in case you were wondering, my daughter's team won the Animal Lover's award for their competition. Go Horses!


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